Legal notice

Lotta-Maria Stönner

Augustastraße 91
52070 Aachen, Germany
Tel: +49 (0) 151 505 26717

USt.ID-Nr. DE268188950

Liability for website content

The content of this website has been generated with due care. I do not, however, accept any liability for the accuracy, completeness or topicality of the content. According to German law I am as a service provider responsible for own content on this website. I am under no obligation to monitor transmitted or stored information or to seek circumstances indicating illegal activity. This shall be without prejudice to obligations to delete or disable information according to general laws. Liability is assumed only after knowledge of a concrete infringement. If such infringements come to my knowledge I will delete contents accordingly.

Liability for links

This website includes links to external websites of third parties. I have no influence whatsoever on the current or future content of the linked websites and can therefore accept no liability for such contents. The service providers or owners of the linked-to pages are solely liable for their contents. The linked websites were examined as the links were set up and no illegal content was identified. However, ongoing examination of the contents of linked websites is not reasonable without evidence indicating possible infringements. If such infringements come to my knowledge I will delete the links in question.